Task Information

There are 6 ways to print the significant parameters and state of the task and its dependencies.

    1. One is to use luigi module. See luigi.tools.deps_tree module for details.
    1. task-info option of gokart.run().
    1. make_task_info_as_tree_str() will return significant parameters and dependency tree as str.
    1. make_task_info_as_table() will return significant parameter and dependent tasks as pandas.DataFrame table format.
    1. dump_task_info_table() will dump the result of make_task_info_as_table() to a file.
    1. dump_task_info_tree() will dump the task tree object (TaskInfo) to a pickle file.

This document will cover 2~6.

2. task-info option of gokart.run()


An example implementation could be like:

# main.py

import gokart

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python main.py \
    TaskB \
    --param=Hello \
    --local-scheduler \
    --tree-info-mode=all \

The --tree-info-mode option accepts “simple” and “all”, and a task information is saved in --tree-info-output-path.

when “simple” is passed, it outputs the states and the unique ids of tasks. An example output is as follows:

└─-(COMPLETE) TaskB[09fe5591ef2969ce7443c419a3b19e5d]
   └─-(COMPLETE) TaskA[2549878535c070fb6c3cd4061bdbbcff]

When “all” is passed, it outputs the states, the unique ids, the significant parameters, the execution times and the task logs of tasks. An example output is as follows:

└─-(COMPLETE) TaskB[09fe5591ef2969ce7443c419a3b19e5d](parameter={'workspace_directory': './resources/', 'local_temporary_directory': './resources/tmp/', 'param': 'Hello'}, output=['./resources/output_of_task_b_09fe5591ef2969ce7443c419a3b19e5d.pkl'], time=0.002290010452270508s, task_log={})
   └─-(COMPLETE) TaskA[2549878535c070fb6c3cd4061bdbbcff](parameter={'workspace_directory': './resources/', 'local_temporary_directory': './resources/tmp/', 'param': 'called by TaskB'}, output=['./resources/output_of_task_a_2549878535c070fb6c3cd4061bdbbcff.pkl'], time=0.0009829998016357422s, task_log={})

3. make_task_info_as_tree_str()

gokart.tree.task_info.make_task_info_as_tree_str() will return a tree dependency tree as a str.

from gokart.tree.task_info import make_task_info_as_tree_str

make_task_info_as_tree_str(task, ignore_task_names)
# Parameters
# ----------
# - task: TaskOnKart
#     Root task.
# - details: bool
#     Whether or not to output details.
# - abbr: bool
#     Whether or not to simplify tasks information that has already appeared.
# - ignore_task_names: Optional[List[str]]
#     List of task names to ignore.
# Returns
# -------
# - tree_info : str
#     Formatted task dependency tree.


import luigi
import gokart

class TaskA(gokart.TaskOnKart):
    param = luigi.Parameter()
    def run(self):

class TaskB(gokart.TaskOnKart):
    task = gokart.TaskInstanceParameter()
    def run(self):
        task = self.load('task')
        self.dump(task + ' taskB')

class TaskC(gokart.TaskOnKart):
    task = gokart.TaskInstanceParameter()
    def run(self):
        task = self.load('task')
        self.dump(task + ' taskC')

class TaskD(gokart.TaskOnKart):
    task1 = gokart.TaskInstanceParameter()
    task2 = gokart.TaskInstanceParameter()
    def run(self):
        task = [self.load('task1'), self.load('task2')]
task = TaskD(
        task1=TaskD(task1=TaskC(task=TaskA(param='foo')), task2=TaskC(task=TaskB(task=TaskA(param='bar')))),  # same task
        task2=TaskD(task1=TaskC(task=TaskA(param='foo')), task2=TaskC(task=TaskB(task=TaskA(param='bar'))))   # same task
        task1=TaskD(task1=TaskC(task=TaskA(param='foo')), task2=TaskC(task=TaskB(task=TaskA(param='bar')))),  # same task
        task2=TaskD(task1=TaskC(task=TaskA(param='foo')), task2=TaskC(task=TaskB(task=TaskA(param='bar'))))   # same task
└─-(PENDING) TaskD[187ff82158671283e127e2e1f7c9c095]
    |--(PENDING) TaskD[ca9e943ce049e992b371898c0578784e]    # duplicated TaskD
    |  |--(PENDING) TaskD[1cc9f9fc54a56614f3adef74398684f4]    # duplicated TaskD
    |  |  |--(PENDING) TaskC[dce3d8e7acaf1bb9731fb4f2ae94e473]
    |  |  |  └─-(PENDING) TaskA[be65508b556dd3752359b4246791413d]
    |  |  └─-(PENDING) TaskC[de39593d31490aba3cdca3c650432504]
    |  |     └─-(PENDING) TaskB[bc2f7d6cdd6521cc116c35f0f144eed3]
    |  |        └─-(PENDING) TaskA[5a824f7d232eb69d46f0ac6bbd93b565]
    |  └─-(PENDING) TaskD[1cc9f9fc54a56614f3adef74398684f4]
    |     └─- ...
    └─-(PENDING) TaskD[ca9e943ce049e992b371898c0578784e]
        └─- ...

In the above example, the sub-trees already shown is omitted. This can be disabled by passing False to abbr flag:

print(make_task_info_as_tree_str(task, abbr=False))

4. make_task_info_as_table()

gokart.tree.task_info.make_task_info_as_table() will return a table containing the information of significant parameters and dependent tasks as a pandas DataFrame. This table contains task name, cache unique id, cache file path, task parameters, task processing time, completed flag, and task log.

from gokart.tree.task_info import make_task_info_as_table

make_task_info_as_table(task, ignore_task_names)
# """Return a table containing information about dependent tasks.
# Parameters
# ----------
# - task: TaskOnKart
#     Root task.
# - ignore_task_names: Optional[List[str]]
#     List of task names to ignore.
# Returns
# -------
# - task_info_table : pandas.DataFrame
#     Formatted task dependency table.
# """

5. dump_task_info_table()

gokart.tree.task_info.dump_task_info_table() will dump the task_info table made at make_task_info_as_table() to a file.

from gokart.tree.task_info import dump_task_info_table

dump_task_info_table(task, task_info_dump_path, ignore_task_names)
# Parameters
# ----------
# - task: TaskOnKart
#     Root task.
# - task_info_dump_path: str
#     Output target file path. Path destination can be `local`, `S3`, or `GCS`.
#     File extension can be any type that gokart file processor accepts, including `csv`, `pickle`, or `txt`.
#     See `TaskOnKart.make_target module <https://gokart.readthedocs.io/en/latest/task_on_kart.html#taskonkart-make-target>` for details.
# - ignore_task_names: Optional[List[str]]
#     List of task names to ignore.
# Returns
# -------
# None

6. dump_task_info_tree()

gokart.tree.task_info.dump_task_info_tree() will dump the task tree object (TaskInfo) to a pickle file.

from gokart.tree.task_info import dump_task_info_tree

dump_task_info_tree(task, task_info_dump_path, ignore_task_names, use_unique_id)
# Parameters
# ----------
# - task: TaskOnKart
#     Root task.
# - task_info_dump_path: str
#     Output target file path. Path destination can be `local`, `S3`, or `GCS`.
#     File extension must be '.pkl'.
# - ignore_task_names: Optional[List[str]]
#     List of task names to ignore.
# - use_unique_id: bool = True
#     Whether to use unique id to dump target file. Default is True.
# Returns
# -------
# None

Task Logs

To output extra information of tasks by tree-info, the member variable task_log of TaskOnKart keeps any information as a dictionary.

For instance, the following code runs,

import gokart

class SampleTaskLog(gokart.TaskOnKart):
    def run(self):
        # Add some logs.
        self.task_log['sample key'] = 'sample value'

if __name__ == '__main__':

the output could be like:

└─-(COMPLETE) SampleTaskLog[...](..., task_log={'sample key': 'sample value'})

Delete Unnecessary Output Files

To delete output files which are not necessary to run a task, add option --delete-unnecessary-output-files. This option is supported only when a task outputs files in local storage not S3 for now.